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IBM C1000-058 certification exam is designed for IT professionals who are responsible for the administration and management of IBM MQ V9.1 systems. IBM MQ V9.1 System Administration certification validates the skills and knowledge required to successfully configure and maintain IBM MQ messaging systems in a variety of environments. C1000-058 Exam covers topics such as installation and configuration, security, performance tuning, problem determination, and disaster recovery. Passing C1000-058 exam demonstrates that an individual has the ability to effectively manage and troubleshoot complex IBM MQ environments.
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When configuring MQ shared queues on z/OS, where are the queue objects that represents the attributes of the shared queues held?
Answer: A
What is the purpose of CPU Affinity in performance tuning?
Answer: A
On AIX when migrating to MQv9, which command is required to make the latest version of the installation the primary installation?
Answer: A
What must be done before an administrator can take a full backup of a queue manager's files?
Answer: A
Which command will enable real-time monitoring of queues, where the monitoring is to be controlled at a queue manager level?
Answer: A
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